Children’s Behavioral Health Settlement Agreement
C.A. v. Garcia,
United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa
DRI Defends Your Rights.
DRI helps Iowans with disabilities with their disability rights issues. If we cannot help, we will try to find someone who can help. DRI helps adults and youth with disabilities. DRI does not have an income limit to qualify for assistance. A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Who We Are
Disability Rights Iowa is part of a national group of agencies created by Congress in the 1970s to address repeated abuse and neglect of people with disabilities in large institutions. We are an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) agency funded through grants from the federal government, donations, and corporate or foundation funding. We are not a government agency or service provider, but we use federal funding to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. DRI advocates for the rights of Iowans with disabilities wherever they may live.
What We Do
As a federally funded non-profit organization, Disability Rights Iowa carefully uses our limited resources to serve the disability community. DRI’s board and mental health advisory council determine our areas of focus every year based on suggestions, requests, and needs of the disability community. Although our areas of focus change every year, our dedication to protecting and advocating for the rights of Iowans with disabilities is our core purpose
Our work is based on our Areas of Focus, we have resources and in-depth information on each of our Areas of Focus involving Iowans with disabilities. A few areas of focus are listed here for you to click and learn more.

How We Help
Disability Rights Iowa provides both legal and non-legal advocacy services free of charge. Learn more about how we can help you, your loved ones, or the disability community.
Self Advocacy
Empowering you to defend your rights.
Statewide Advocacy
Fighting for change on behalf of large groups of people.
Individual Representation
Legal representation to protect your rights.
Benefits Planning
Guiding you through planning and maintaining benefits while working.
Information and Referral
Pointing you towards another agency that can help.
Disability Rights Iowa serves as an educational resource for empowering, educating, and supporting yourself and the disability community. Our free resources provide more information about our areas of focus and related topics.
You are not alone.
DRI is here to help you with your disability rights issue. Follow the link below this paragraph to let DRI know you need help.
DRI email alerts
DRI sends out email newsletters periodically. Enter your email below to be placed on the mailing list.
Every Donation Matters.
Although Congress supports our work on a bipartisan basis, part of our funding also comes from the generous donation of our supporters. Help us make a difference for Iowans with disabilities by donating to our cause.