Celebrating 33 Years of the ADA
The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990. With the signing of the ADA people with disabilities were granted rights only dreamed of before. This year as we celebrate everything gained from the ADA we also recognize that there is so much more we as disability advocates can fight for. It is through this sentiment that DRI is reminded of our mission: Advocating for justice. Advancing human and legal rights. Protecting Iowans with disabilities.
We hope you join us in our fight for a more equitable future for all Iowans with disabilities.

Where WE ARe
The ADA protects individuals with disabilities in five areas. Those areas are;
- Title I—employment.
- Title II—public entities (and public transportation)
- Title III—public accommodations (and commercial facilities) …
- Title IV—telecommunications. …
- Title V – miscellaneous provisions.
To learn more about the ADA, please visit the site linked below.

What is Next
As we celebrate the ADA we are reminded of the rights that are not yet guaranteed for people with disabilities. This year, and every year, we move forward with our advocacy to advance and protect the rights we have.
For more information on what we are continuing to advocate for, follow the link below.

There are many resources we can point to in celebration of the ADA. This year we would like to celebrate a few resources put together by our partners and other disability organizations. The resources are linked below.

Every Donation Matters.
Although Congress supports our work on a bipartisan basis, part of our funding also comes from the generous donation of our supporters. Help us make a difference for Iowans with disabilities by donating to our cause.