What do we consider when accepting an individual service request?
- What is the legal merit or available remedy for the issue?
- Did the individual’s issue arises because of their disability?
- Is the individual eligible for services under one of our grants?
- Is the individual’s issue within DRI’s areas of focus?
- Is the individual or their care network able to self-advocate?
- Does our staff have the particular expertise to advocate for the individuals legal issue.
- Do we have the resources to provide services to the individual?
- Are other resources available to help the individual address issue?
- Are other independent, investigatory authorities available to help the individual address the issue?
- What is the severity of harm to the individual?
- Is there an imminent risk to the individual?
- Could the service request benefit everyone experiencing the same disability rights “system” issue?
- Potential impact of the legal/advocacy issue to affect change beyond the individual requesting services.
- Does the request have the potential to remove systemic barriers for Iowans with disabilities?
Disability Rights Iowa does not currently take on cases on the issues listed below:
Regardless of the individual’s disability or their initial eligibility, DRI will not accept cases, but will only provide information and referral services, for the following issues:
- Divorce, child custody, and adoption
- Bankruptcy
- Estate planning (wills and trusts)
- Criminal or juvenile delinquency representation or Civil mental health commitment including appeals
- Representing parents with respect to termination of parental rights
- Establishing that a Child is in Need of Assistance
- Housing
- Tax law, corporate or business law, consumer law, debtor-creditor law
- Personal injury (other than injuries arising from abuse and neglect)
- Malpractice
- Social security eligibility or appeals
- Worker’s compensation cases
- Civil litigation that does not relate to the legal or civil rights of an individual with a disability
- Civil litigation related to ADA Title 1 claims of employment discrimination based on disability in state or federal court
- Initiation of guardianship or conservatorship of a person; and
- Cases involving inmates at county or state correctional facilities (other than denial of disability-related accommodations)
- IEP development or implementation disputes when the student is not being excluded from school or restrained/secluded
- Discharge from facility based settings
- Discharge from a home and community based service provider
- Medicaid, HCBS (Home and Community Based Service) Waiver, or other benefit applications or eligibility
- Admission to institutions or facility-based residential settings
We want to hear your voice!
We seek to reflect the community’s needs by encouraging individuals to suggest new areas of focus as needed. Our priority is to help Iowans with disabilities where they need it most. If you have a suggestion, please fill out our form.
Need help?
Reach out to DRI if you have an issue that falls within our areas of focus.
Want to learn more?
DRI provides an extensive resource center so you can learn more about your rights.